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Letra de Dont Fall Apart On Me Tonight

Just a minute before you leave, girl
Just a minute before you touch the door
What is it that you're trying to achieve, girl?
Do you think we can talk about it some more?
You know, the streets are filled with vipers
Who've lost all ray of hope
You know, it ain't even safe no more
In the palace of the Pope

Don't fall apart on me tonight
I just don't think that I could handle it
Don't fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday's just a memory
Tomorrow is never what it's supposed to be
And I need you, yeah

Come over here from over there, girl
Sit down here, you can have my chair
I can't see us goin' anywhere, girl
The only place open is a thousand miles away and I can't take you there
I wish I'd have been a doctor
Maybe I'd have saved some life that had been lost
Maybe I'd have done some good in the world
Stead of burning every bridge I crossed

Don't fall apart on me tonight
I just don't think that I could handle it
Don't fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday's just a memory
Tomorrow is never what it's supposed to be
And I need you, oh, yeah

I ain't too good at conversation, girl
So you might not know exactly how I feel
But if I could, I'd bring you to the mountaintop, girl
And build you a house made out of stainless steel
But it's like I'm stuck inside a painting
That's hanging in the Louvre
My throat start to tickle and my nose itches
But I know that I can't move

Don't fall apart on me tonight
I just don't think that I could handle it
Don't fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday's gone but the past lives on
Tomorrow's just one step beyond
And I need you, oh, yeah

Who are these people who are walking towards you?
Do you know them or will there be a fight?
With their humorless smiles so easy to see through
Can they tell you what's wrong from what's right?

Do you remember St. James Street
Where you blew Jackie PS mind?
You were so fine, Clark Gable would have fell at your feet
And laid his life on the line

Let's try to get beneath the surface waste, girl
No more booby traps and bombs
No more decadence and charm
No more affection that's misplaced, girl
No more mudcake creatures lying in your arms
What about that millionaire with the drumsticks in his pants?
He looked so baffled and so bewildered
When he played and we didn't dance

Don't fall apart on me tonight
I just don't think that I could handle it
Don't fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday's just a memory
Tomorrow is never what it's supposed to be
And I need you, yeah

Biografia Bob Dylan

➽ Biografía de Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan nació con el nombre de Robert Allen Zimmerman el 24 de mayo de 1941 en Duluth, Minnesota (Estados Unidos). Está considerado uno de los compositores y músicos más influyentes y prolíficos del siglo XX y ha sido nominado varias veces al Premio Nobel de Literatura. En 2007 fue galardonado con el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Artes por ser un "mito viviente" de la historia de la música popular y "faro de una generación que tuvo el sueño de cambiar el mundo". El jurado subraya el carácter "austero en las formas y profundo en los mensajes" del músico, que conjuga "la canción y la poesía en una obra que crea escuela y determina la educación sentimental de muchos millones de personas". Su obra, añade el acta, es "fiel reflejo del espíritu de una época que busca respuestas en el viento para los deseos que habitan en el corazón de los seres humanos".


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